Sunday, March 18, 2012

Lobster Christ

I jumped the gun on posting what we will now refer to as Lobster Christ.  A back story about this grand lobster is necessary to truly appreciate it in all it's saviorly glory.

Everything started when nearly a year ago we discovered the best Mexican restaurant in the area, Jessy's.  They have unbelievable food and if you live in Norfolk, Va - go eat there.  It's in OV.  We aren't here to discuss the food though.  We are here for this guy:

He used to hang on the wall at Jessy's & I would always make sure to grab the booth with the best view of my Lobster Christ.  I even made my FB profile picture this photo of my love.  I quickly became obsessed.  Well I say he used to hang on the wall because when we went yesterday he wasn't there. 

Naturally, I got pretty nervous so me and homie started joking about what could have happened to Him.  He jokingly suggested that it had just been sold to some inquiring customer at an obscenely low price.  To me Lobster Christ is priceless so the thought of this causes nervous laughter on my part.

Not able to handle the what-ifs any longer, I ask the waiter/counter guy/manager (?) what the hell happened to the lobster?  You will never guess what happened..

Lobster Christ was just sold to an inquiring customer at an obscenely low price.  They are re-vamping the place and he didn't think the lobster fit in anymore so he took it down.  Someone had just come in not long before, asked about the lobster as well & bought it.  My heart shattered.  I was seriously depressed by the time the food came and probably for the rest of the day, explaining the next tattoo I plan on getting:
R.I.P. Lobster Christ